I don´t build a style, I expand my voice
12 min.
I don´t build a style, I expand my voice is a performance based on a script that has been composed by an accumulation of one-year text messages extracted from a cell phone archive. The messages were received and sent within the context of Buenos Aires from July 2010 until July 2011. The juxtaposition of messages combined with poems shows the possibilities and impossibilities of communicating and reaching the other.
The piece was performed at the Dutch Art Institute, Arnhem, with Dr. Clementine Deliss and Dr. David Dibosa as special guests in June 2012. It was also performed at Zimmer in Tel Aviv in August 2012 and at Lost & Found, Theatrum Anatomicum, de Waag Society in Amsterdam, December 2012.
II don’t build a style, I expand my voice (No construyo un estilo, expando mi voz)
Performance, 15 minutos
I don’t build a style, I expand my voice es una performance basada en la acumulación de mensajes de texto, durante un año, tomados de un archivo de teléfono celular. Los mensajes fueron recibidos y enviados en el contexto de Buenos Aires entre Julio de 2010 hasta Julio de 2011. La yuxtaposición de mensajes combinados con poemas revelan las posibilidades e imposibilidades de comunicación con un otro.
Link a la video-documentación: https://vimeo.com/94128693
* Dutch Art Institute, Arnhem
Invitados especiales: Clementine Deliss y Dr. David Dibosa
Junio 2012
* Zimmer, Tel Aviv
Agosto 2012
* Lost & Found, Theatrum Anatomicum, de Waag Society, Amsterdam
Diciembre 2012

[envira-gallery id=”72″]Lost & Found, Theatrum Anatomicum, de Waag Society, Amsterdam. December 2012.
[vimeo id=”94128693″ align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”600″ grow=”no”]
Dutch Art Institute, Arnhem. June 2012