Onze Roeping – On Joyful Militancy


Performance on July 2 & 3, 2022; Jordaan, Amsterdam

With a focus on the Potato Riots (Aardappeloproer) in 1917, the performative walks rehearse, reenact and re-enhance the intimacy and support within such movements and reflect on the following questions: what are the affective elements lying underneath these events, if we consider that ‘tenderness and vulnerability can thrive alongside these militant commitments’? How did household economies evolve since then and what has been the role of the public
space in it?

Taking these considerations as a starting point, the walks in the Jordaan unfolded through a sequence of embodied material (infra)structures such as the disappearing gangen (passages), barricades and bridges, but also self made domestic tools, aprons and carrier bags. Brought together with today’s feminist struggles, the performative walks activate hidden sites and secret relationships with the city’s history and architecture.

Here you can download a map of the performance.

Onze Roeping, on Joyful Militancy was initiated by Mercedes Azpilicueta and ROZENSTRAAT curator Sjoerd Kloosterhuis in 2019.

In 2023 a publication was made with an introduction by Sjoerd Kloosterhuis, a commissioned essay by Anik Fournier, photos by Kostantin Guz and design by Laura Pappa. You can download it here.

Performance and choreography: Antonella Fittipaldi, Marina Orlova, Toni Steffens
Project coordination: Angeliki Tzortzakaki
Research in collaboration with Sjoerd Kloosterhuis, Mieke Krijger (Jordaan
Museum), Angeliki Tzortzakaki, Anik Fournier, Laura Kneebone
Essays: Anik Fournier, Mieke Krijger
Costumes: Darsha Golova
Assistance: Lisa Collin
Photo documentation: Kostantin Guz

The performance also took place at the finissage of the exhibition C4 at Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein on September 4, 2022. For the photo documentation, please click here.