Lorsque vous lui aurez fait un corps sans organes, alors vous l´aurez délivré de tous ses automatismes et rendu à sa véritable liberté.
Antonin Artaud´s radio play Pour en finir avec le jugement de dieu (1947)
Molecular Love is a work that unfolds from a previous research that was focused on a Spinozean account of the mind and the body. The work stems from this vintage point whilst at the same time considers it from a feminist perspective by addressing the political dimension of female-desire. The affective quality of language and voice, and the intimacy and estrangement of two bodies in constant motion are central themes in this work.
Molecular Love brings together dance, performance, visual art and sound in the form of an ongoing live work. The script is composed out of bits of poetry, rhythmic sequences, and cadenced and playful deconstructed words. A sound piece containing part of the script breaks in and out into the space inviting the dancers to interact with it either physically or vocally.
The space is a bare but delimited space, where two dancers interact with each other while using their voices. A second space is marked by a string curtain, creating a more protective environment that allows dancers and audience to come in and out. The natural light offers to the viewer different perceptions according to the moment of the day they visit the work.
The choreography, fed from the sound the body makes together with the sound piece, evolves very slowly as if seen in slow motion, like a molecule expanding and contracting. A loose methodology brings contingency and makes room for improvisation, association and more playfulness. Starting point is sensing and understanding the other through non-rational relations.
Molecular Love is enacted by an all female team of artists that helps to define what a female body means nowadays beyond its reproductive function, how female desire and politics are connected and what are the affective qualities that bind together voice, body and writing. A series of drawings in the form of photo-etchings display different ways the script is notated.