The Baroness of Cosmic Arithmetics
20 min.
The Baroness of Cosmic Arithmetics is a work in the form of a declamation inspired by the figure of Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. The German-born avant-garde Dadaist artist was also a poet who worked for many years in New York City and an early pioneer of sound poetry, drawing parallels between religious, scientific and sexual images.
The Baroness of Cosmic Arithmetics is part of NZZN (North-South-South-North) Festival, initiated by DE PLAYER and VROOOM and organised in collaboration with other Rotterdam-based organisations / venues that operate on the fringes of the Rotterdam subculture. NZZN seeks to map out and showcase the peripheral Rotterdam of leftfield music, sound art, improvisation, and performance art with a vibrant mix of international and local artists. This event is made possible with kind support of Popunie Rotterdam, City of Rotterdam Department of Culture, NFPK+, Mondriaan Fonds.
Wolfart Projectspace
NZZN Festival
October 11th, 2015
The Baroness of Cosmic Arithmetics (La Baronesa de las Aritméticas Cósmicas)
20 minutos
La Baronesa de Aritmética Cósmica es un trabajo en forma de declamación. Está inspirado en la figura de la Baronesa Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. La artista y poetiza alemana de vanguardia perteneciente al grupo Dadaista, trabajó por muchos años en Nueva York y fue pionera de la poesía sonora, estableciendo paralelos entre imágenes religiosas, científicas y sexuales.
La Baronessa de las Aritméticas Cósmicas fue una performance realizada en el Wolfart Projectspace de Rotterdam, y formó parte del festival NZZN ((North-South-South-North), iniciado por DE PLAYER y VROOM en colaboración con otras organizaciones y espacios alternativos de Rotterdam

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Photos: Koos Siep